
Charlene Prickett
Year Released: 1988

Categories: Athletic Stretch

This is a 45 minute long athletic stretching video. Charlene and her class are in an all white room (walls and floor). She starts with stretches for the large muscles in your lower body, then moves to your back, upper body, and ends with wrists and calves. Charlene shows pictures of the muscles as you stretch them which I find helpful. She also talks a lot about which sports require you to do certain of these stretches regularly (tennis, golf, and running). Flexibility tests are shown for many of the muscles, as well. This is a very thorough stretching video, Charlene doesn't leave anything out. What I really like about this video is how long the stretches are held. The only thing I don't care for are the outfits (very bright and dated!), but this is easily overlooked for what a great stretch I get from this tape. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a very thorough athletic stre

Instructor Comments:
I really like Charlene. I find her "chattiness" to always be very interesting and informative. She's so friendly and motivating, too!

Danielle S
