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Inside the FIRM

Sharon Minish

I'm a Believer Now!

by Sharon Minish

This was my first experience with the Firm. I kept reading how everyone loved the Firm. I have exercised for years and have strength trained with heavy weights for about 2 years. I didn't think the Firm would be that hard. Was I wrong!!!!!!

I took the Masterclass. We started with a warm up, led by Susan. I can't remember all the different types of presses we did but my muscles definitely got a challenging workout. I think the most difficult was step up on the Firm step. Holding the weights and doing high steps gave my quads and glutes a major burn. Tracy led us through a series of lunges on the regular step and a hi lo routine on the floor plus work on the biceps and triceps, which I loved. Heidi used the dowel to do lunges and dips. I most definitely got a great workout. I wish we had done more work on the resist-a-ball. We did a few ab exercises on that but it didn't feel sturdy to me. I didn't use it enough to tell of its effectiveness.

I was impressed at the toughness of this workout and I can see the effectiveness of these series of tapes. I would recommend the Firm to someone wanting to tone and reshape their body. I now believe in the Firm and this will sound contradictary. I probably will not buy any of their tapes for now. I have use of a weight room and don't need to buy the extra weights for my home. Now when we move from here, that could be a different story. One thing I will purchase it a high stool for doing those step ups. I can carry that to the gym with me.

All in all, it was a great trip. Just being with other women that have basically the same type of goals and love being fit and healthy was such an inspiration for me.

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