Lindsi Webb Sanor
Year Released: 2014

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

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Lindsi leads this 46 minute 50/50 cardio/ strength workout in a gym studio with four background exercisers. You will need dumbbells for this workout. You will perform 12 reps each of 2 cardio 2 strength, then in sets of 3's and then in sets of 4's. Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds each and she alternates cardio & strength.

After an active athletic warmup & stretch, exercises include: plyo lunge & scissors, jump forward & back, side lunge to curtsy, single arm wide row, wide burpees, squat side kicks, 1/2 burpees, squat diagonal reach & press, bi variations, cross jacks & tuck jumps, standing climbers, plank running, gorilla walk & push ups, squat clean & press and concludes with a last blast: X jumps & floor touch, plank knee twists, pike pushups, pulse & jump squats, fast military press, weighted plyo lunge & curl, and a final stretch.

This is an advanced cardio & strength workout that will leave you breathing heavy just like Lindsi and crew. The pace is moderate so you can use moderate poundage to up the strength & cardio effect of this workout. Lindsi provides some unique tweeks classic effective exercises. She provides rest breaks right when you need them! I received this DVD to review.

