
Eoin Finn
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Yoga

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Blissology DVDs: Pose Information

This is a very brief review, and mostly, a breakdown of the practices.

The Blissology Booklet does not have pose info for the dvds, and I found it difficult to locate all the pose information on Eoin’s website. So, I gathered as much info as I could find from the website (and doing the practices), and have put together lists of the poses for each dvd.

Overall impressions of Blissology:
I really enjoy this set. They are my favorite Eoin practices! I have not used them in a rotation, but simply choose one when it suits my needs/mood for the day. I practice yoga daily, and these are great options when I want power/vinyasa yoga. What I like most about these practices is the pace (slower than other Eoin dvds, especially Power Yoga for Happiness 2) and the variety. Each day has a specific focus (front-body stretches aka backbends, side-body stretches aka twists, etc.), which makes these even more versatile if you want to use as a “program” or system.

One note: the Thursday practice is called “Restorative” but this is not true restorative yoga. I would categorize it more as “slow flow.” (I think the name must be a comparison to Eoin’s usual style – it is restorative for Eoin!) With that understanding, it is one of my favorites in this series. There are 4 slow sun salutation variations followed by a substantial standing pose section with quite long holds – this is lovely and can be quite challenging! The practice ends with forward bends held quite a long time – this is the more restorative part of the practice.

Below are the Pose breakdowns for each practice.
Note: Eoin uses mostly sanskrit names - so I have kept those. I've also corrected misspellings. If you aren't sure about the sanskrit names, you can look up most on Yoga Journal's Pose Index. It's a great resource.

***Bliss Monday***
Yoga: All Around
Meditation: Body Based

Full Routine (45 min)
Yoga Quickie (27 min)
[Only this one set of poses given - assuming this is full routine, and quickie is a subset]
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation Sea
Warrior 1 Garudasana Arms
Virabhadrasana 2
Trikonasana > Repeat
Vinyasa To Downdog
Kind Arthur Arch
King Arthur Gomukhasana Arms
Deep Pigeon > Repeat
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Sukhasana > Pranayama > Meditation > Savasana

***Bliss Tuesday***
Yoga: Front Body Stretches
Meditation: Energy

Full Routine (55 min)
Sun Salutation A
Fluid Triangle Sun Salutations
Standing Poses 1: warrior I > warrior II > triangle > side angle > half moon to sugar cane > warrior 2 > vinyasa > (repeat other leg)
Vinyasa with three pushups > side plank
Standing Poses 2: high lunge > twisting high lunge > low lunge > low lunge variations
Bow Pose > Camel > One Leg Pigeon Pose
Dancers Pose > Splits > Side Plank Variation
Supine Leg Stretches
Double Pigeon
Simple Seated Pose

Yoga Quickie (34 min)
Sun Salutation A
Standing Poses 1: warrior I > warrior II > triangle > side angle > half moon to sugar cane > warrior 2 > vinyasa > (repeat other leg)
Vinyasa with three pushups > side plank
Standing Poses 2: high lunge > twisting high lunge > low lunge > low lunge variations
Bow Pose > Camel > One Leg Pigeon Pose
Supine Leg Stretches

***Bliss Wednesday***
Yoga: Side Body Stretches
Meditation: Manifesting

Full Routine (43 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 sun salutation a
Ch3 sun salutation sea
Ch4 uttanasana variations
Ch5 virabhadrasana 2 > parsvakonasana with shoulder opener >trikonasana with shoulder opener
Ch6 virabhadrasana 2 with gomukhasana arms > padottansana with gomukhasana arms > repeat other side > lunge > parivrtta parsvakonasana> I.T. Love > repeat
Ch7 deep pigeon > repeat
Ch8 ardha matsyendrasana > gomukhasana twist > repeat
Ch9 core cycle – abs – alternate leg twists > jathara parivatanasana > ardha navasana to navasana 3x
Ch10 janu sirsasana twist or ½ lotus twist
Ch11 pasasana
Ch12 badha konasana > upavishta konasana > parivrtta paschimottanasana
Ch13 savasana

Yoga Quickie (36 Min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 sun salutation a
Ch3 sun salutation sea
Ch4 uttanasana variations
Ch5 virabhadrasana 2 > parsvakonasana with shoulder opener >trikonasana with shoulder opener
Ch6 virabhadrasana 2 with gomukhasana arms > padottansana with gomukhasana arms > repeat other side > lunge > parivrtta parsvakonasana > i.t. Love > repeat
Ch7 deep pigeon > repeat
Ch8 ardha matsyendrasana > gomukhasana twist > repeat
Ch9 core cycle – abs – alternate leg twists > jathara parivatanasana > ardha navasana to navasana 3x
Ch10 upavishta konasana > parivrtta paschimottanasana
Ch11 savasana

***Bliss Thursday***
Yoga: Restorative
(This practice is “restorative” relative to Eoin’s typical Power Yoga, but it is not a truly “restorative” yoga practice.)
Meditation: 5 Elements

Full Routine (43 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 neck stretches/ sun salutation a
Ch3 earth + sky sun salutation
Ch4 trikonasana > parsvottanasana > parivrtta trikonasana > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch5 parsvakonasana > parivrtta parsvakonasana > repeat
Ch6 padottanasana 1 + 2 (with shoulder opening)
Ch7 utthita hasta padangustasana – vrksasana > repeat
Ch8 salambhasana > ustrasana > balasana
Ch9 deep pigeon
Ch10 paschimottanasana > upavishta konasana >ekapada upavishta konasana
Ch11 savasana > earth sky meditation

Yoga Quickie (35 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 neck stretches/ sun salutation a
Ch3 earth + sky sun salutation
Ch4 trikonasana > parsvottanasana > parivrtta trikonasana > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch5 parsvakonasana > parivrtta parsvakonasana > repeat
Ch6 salambhasana > ustrasana > balasana
Ch7 deep pigeon
Ch8 paschimottanasana > upavishta konasana >ekapada upavishta konasana
Ch9 savasana > earth sky meditation

***Bliss Friday***
Yoga: Strength + Stretch
Meditation: Earth Body

Full Routine (45 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 2 sun salutations a
Ch3 2 ultra yang sun salutations
Ch4 warrior 1 arms interlaced> warp speed warrior> virabhadrasana 2 > trikonasana > ardha chandrasana > repeat> alternate arm and leg in plank pose
Ch5 vashistasana
Ch6 padangustasana > utthita hasta padangustasana > side > quad strengthener > virabhadrasana 3 > urdhva prasarita eka padasana > repeat
Ch7 standing pigeon
Ch8 janu sirsasana > parivrtta janu sirsasana > repeat > badha konasana > malasana > bakasana
Ch9 abs and core
Ch10 side forearm plank
Ch11 marichyasana a > marichyasana c > compass > astavakrasana > repeat
Ch12 ustrasana > eka pada rajakapotasana
Ch13 upavishta konasana > double pigeon > sitting
Ch14 savasana

Yoga Quickie (33 min)
Ch1 intro
Ch2 2 sun salutations a
Ch3 2 ultra yang sun salutations
Ch4 warrior 1 arms interlaced> warp speed warrior> virabhadrasana 2 > trikonasana > ardha chandrasana > repeat> alternate arm and leg in plank pose
Ch5 vasisthasana
Ch6 janu sirsasana > parivrtta janu sirsasana > repeat > badha konasana > malasana > bakasana
Ch7 abs and core
Ch8 side forearm plank
Ch9 ustrasana > eka pada rajakapotasana
Ch10 upavishta konasana > double pigeon > sitting
Ch11 savasana

***Bliss Saturday***
Yoga: 'Metta' Yoga + Meditation (27 min)
Meditation: Pranayama

[No poses listed on the website, and this is the only one I haven't done yet!]



The Blissology Project by yogi, surfer, and self-described "blissologist" Eoin Finn is a 6-disk DVD set covering every day of the week (5 disks for each of Monday through Friday, and then a shared 6th disk for Saturday/Sunday). It offers not just yoga sessions (11 total) but also daily meditations as well as "Blissology Commitments," which involves a a total yogic approach in various areas of one's life.

With the exception of the Saturday/Sunday disk (which is structured slightly differently), each weekday Main Menu offers the following options: Theme (a short introduction to the theme for that day), Meditation (described as being 10 minutes but in reality, varies from about 8.5 minutes to 11.5 minutes), Full Yoga Routine (varies from about 45 minutes to 55 minutes), Yoga Quickie (a shorter version of the main routine running from around 27 minutes to about 36 minutes), and Blissology Commitments. The latter address not only yoga and meditation but also nature appreciation, food awareness, gratitude, and "wild card." In these short segments, Eoin simply encourages increased reflection, awareness, and gratitude around these issues without being preachy or sanctimonious (if you disagree, however, you can easily ignore these sections).

Eoin is accompanied for almost all of the yoga sessions by his wife, Insiya; sometimes they are joined by another yogi, and Monday's class is a bit larger. His brand of yoga is fairly unique, although it generally in the vinyassa style. Perhaps being influenced by the beautiful Bali setting in which Blissology was filmed, however, Eoin is generally quite chill in these routines: although he does throw in more challenging postures, particularly arm balances (especially in the full practices), overall, he moves through the yoga at a measured pace.

However, I would caution that that Blissology is NOT designed for beginners. Although Eoin does include a modifier for most of the practices and also encourages viewers to go at their own pace, there is very little actual instruction in these routines. Also, as noted above, there are a fair number of more advanced postures included--for example, crow pose is quite common even in the quickie routines. A more experienced beginner who has knowledge of how to modify might be able to follow along, but someone brand-new to yoga is very likely to be overwhelmed.

In her review below, Tracy (LunaSea) did an excellent job of copying the poses from Eoin's web site ( and filling in some blanks. I am re-listing them in my review, however, both to provide some additional information and to offer the English translations for the postures for those who are less familiar with Sanskrit.

Meditation (9.5m)—somatic, focus on noticing feelings in body
Yoga: All Around; Eoin joined by class of 5 students on beach
(full routine includes several advanced arm balances)

Full Routine (45 min)
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation Sea (low lunge to front-facing triangle to standing split)
Warrior 1; add eagle arms to eagle pose
Warrior 2 to side angle pose to triangle
Camel to crow
King Arthur pose (low lunge); add eagle arms
Deep pigeon
Full seated forward bend
Full boat to abs work
Vinyasa to forearm plank to side plank to dolphin
Turtle to firefly
Standing pigeon to eka pada galavasana arm balance
Cobra to bow to camel
Half sage twist
Pranayama brief seated meditation to savasana (3.5m)

Yoga Quickie (27 min)
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation Sea (low lunge to front-facing triangle to standing split)
Warrior 1; add eagle arms to eagle pose
Warrior 2 to side angle pose to triangle
Camel to crow
King Arthur pose (low lunge); add eagle arms
Deep pigeon
Full seated forward bend to half sage twist
Pranayama to brief seated meditation to savasana (3.5m)

Meditation (9.5m)—focus on energy, life inside
Yoga: Front Body Stretches; Eoin with Insiya & Paula on a riverbank

Full Routine (53 min)
Sun Salutation A
Fluid Triangle Sun Salutations
Warrior I to warrior II to triangle to side angle to half moon to warrior 2
Vinyasa with three pushups to side plank
Warrior I to twisting side angle to low lunge to low lunge variations
Bow to camel to one-legged pigeon
Dancer’s pose to splits side splits to Visvamitrasana (side plank variation)
Wheel to happy baby to supine leg stretches to double pigeon
Seated meditation to savasana (5m) to final seated meditation (1m)

Yoga Quickie (34 min)
Sun Salutation A
Warrior I to warrior II to triangle to side angle to half moon to warrior 2
Vinyasa with three pushups to side plank
Warrior I to twisting side angle to low lunge to low lunge variations
Bow to camel to one-legged pigeon
Wheel to happy baby to supine leg stretches
Seated meditation to savasana (5m) to final seated meditation (1m)

Meditation (7.5m)—focus is on manifesting balance between self & others
Yoga: Side Body Stretches; Eoin alone
(focus on twists to increase energy upward)

Full Routine (43 min)
Sun Salutation A
Sun salutation Sea (low lunge to front-facing triangle to standing split)
Standing forward bend variations
Warrior 2 to side angle with shoulder opener to triangle with shoulder opener
Warrior 2 w/cow pose arms to wide-legged forward bend w/cow pose arms
Revolved side angle to I.T. Love
Deep pigeon
Half sage twist to cow-face twist
Abs work: leg twists, revolved abdominal pose, half boat to full boat
Revolved head-to-knee pose
Noose pose
Cobbler’s pose to wide-legged seated forward bend to full seated forward bend
Savasana (3.5m) to final seated meditation (1m)

Yoga Quickie (36 Min)
Sun Salutation A
Sun salutation Sea (low lunge to front-facing triangle to standing split)
Standing forward bend variations
Warrior 2 to side angle with shoulder opener to triangle with shoulder opener
Warrior 2 w/cow pose arms to wide-legged forward bend w/cow pose arms
Revolved side angle to I.T. Love
Deep pigeon
Half sage twist to cow-face twist
Abs work: leg twists, revolved abdominal pose, half boat to full boat
Wide-legged seated forward bend to full seated forward bend
Savasana (3.5m) to final seated meditation (1m)

Meditation (11.5m)—focus on five elements with emphasis on creating space
Yoga: Restorative; Eoin with Insiya & Paula in rice field
(a slower flow with fewer vinyasas in-between sequences)

Full Routine (44 min)
Neck stretches
Sun Salutation A
Earth & Sky Sun Salutation (includes touching forehead to ground)
Triangle to side angle to revolved triangle to standing split
Side angle to revolved side angle
Wide-legged standing forward bend; add arms overhead
Standing hand-to-foot pose to tree
Locust to camel to crow
Deep pigeon
Full seated forward bend
Wide-legged seated forward bend to revolved
Savasana (4m) to Seated earth-sky meditation (1.5m)

Yoga Quickie (35 min)
Neck stretches
Sun Salutation A
Earth & Sky Sun Salutation (includes touching forehead to ground)
Triangle to side angle to revolved triangle to standing split
Side angle to revolved side angle
Locust to camel to crow
Deep pigeon
Full seated forward bend
Wide-legged seated forward bend to revolved
Savasana (4m) to Seated earth-sky meditation (1.5m)

Meditation (11m)—focus on earth body, including self as metaphor for nature
Yoga: Strength + Stretch; Eoin with Insiya and Christy on rocky beach
(focus on yoga for fitness)

Full Routine (45 min)
Sun Salutation A
Ultra Yang Sun Salutations (includes lifting from chaturanga to plank)
Warrior I to warrior II to triangle to half moon
Plank, lifting alternate arm & leg to side plank
Standing hand-to-foot pose to quad strengthener to warrior 3 to standing splits
Standing pigeon
Head-to-knee pose to revolved head-to-knee
Cobbler’s pose to squat to crow pose
Boat pose variations to supine abs work, including “submarine” to full boat
Side forearm plank
Sage I to Sage III to compass to eight-angle pose
Camel to one-legged pigeon
Wide-legged seated forward bend double pigeon
Brief seated meditation to savasana

Yoga Quickie (33 min)
Sun Salutation A
Ultra Yang Sun Salutations (includes lifting from chaturanga to plank)
Warrior I to warrior II to triangle to half moon
Plank, lifting alternate arm & leg to side plank
Head-to-knee pose to revolved head-to-knee
Cobbler’s pose to squat to crow pose
Boat pose variations to supine abs work, including “submarine” full boat
Side forearm plank
Camel one-legged pigeon
Wide-legged seated forward bend to double pigeon
Brief seated meditation to savasana

Yoga: Metta Yoga + Meditation; Eoin & Insiya on steps of ruins
Yoga + Meditation practice (27 min)
Sun Salutation A—repeat 6x:
*Focus on love for 1) self, 2) a spiritual leader, 3) someone close to us, 4) a neutral person, 5) a confrontational person, and 6) all beings
*Breathe in “may I be filled with loving kindness,” breathe out “may I be well,” breathe in “may I be peaceful & at ease,” breathe out “may I be happy,” breathe in “ohm”
Finishing poses: warrior I (aspirations), front triangle (cleansing), low lunge (gratitude), pigeon (humility)
Seated forward bend to savasana

Meditation (8m)—focus on pranayama via practice of ujjayi & nadi shodhana

Here are a few additional notes about the Blissology set:
*Eoin cues live. However, sometimes the audio is a bit off, so it can feel more like a mix of live and voiceover cuing. Also, he does NOT mirror-cue to the viewer.
*The quickie practices are simply shortened versions of the full routines. However, the cuts are completely seamless; it never felt to me like something was missing from the shorter practices. One thing to keep in mind is that shorter does not necessarily mean EASIER! Sometimes the quickie practices didn't contain the more advanced poses, but sometimes they did.
*The packaging is amazing! When I received it, I couldn't believe that it contained all six DVDs. They are ingeniously tucked away, three per side, WITHOUT overlapping in the case, which is only slightly wider than the case for a single DVD.

Overall, I have found that I am really enjoying this set. I was initially a bit hesitant to obtain it, as I thought that 1) I might be too overwhelmed about the number of choices, and 2) that Eoin's vinyasa style might be too fast for me. I needed have worried, however, as I love the daily format, including the option to choose a shorter or longer practice, and I am really clicking with Eoin's slow flow routines. Highly recommended!

Instructor Comments:
Eoin is a yoga hippie surfer dude. With the name of the set being "Blissology" you have to expect him to say plenty of flowery, earth-loving stuff, and he does! I find this very peaceful and calming, but some might be turned off. Also, Eoin is more of a live and let live kind of guy, so he doesn't offer a ton of instruction (although he does have some reminders thrown in here and there, mostly to make things "feel good").

Beth C (aka toaster)
