iSculpt Ballet, Set 3

Grace Lazenby
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Ballet/Barre
- Audio Workout

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iBallet 3 (45 minutes) ♥

Barre work (16:59)
▪ Spinal rolls in 2nd position / Plié / Plié and sweep leg across
▪ Small plié feet parallel in relevé and legs together
▪ Quad stretch
▪ Plié 1st position in relevé with side stretch
▪ Sweep with a lunge (grand battement to the front and lunge back)
▪ Standing forward bend, shifting hips side-to-side to stretch hamstrings
▪ Arabesque (small presses)
▪ Standing forward bend, shifting hips side-to-side to stretch hamstrings

Core work (7:05)
▪ Single leg stretch
▪ Single straight leg stretch
▪ Double knee stretch (holding ball in hands)
▪ Oblique lifts (lying on side: lift top leg, lift bottom leg, lower) / mermaid stretch

Floor work (15:59)
▪ Lying on side: (1) Slide, point and pull, (2) Side kicks: point toes up and flex down (3) Hot potato: tap foot forward and back, (4) Leg circles, (5) Slide, point and pull, (6) Seated spinal twist [Note: leg circles are only done on one side!]
▪ Lying arabesque
▪ Child pose
▪ Superman

Stretch (5:28)
▪ Cat curl
▪ Double pigeon

▪ Music is ok, kind of generic but dynamic beat
▪ The barre work is solid; core work is fine but a little short and not very challenging; floor work is uneven (leg circles done only on one side) and tough on lower back.

Instructor Comments:

