Yoga Tune Up at Home, Level 3

Jill Miller
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Yoga

This series of 6 DVDs, is the third in a series of 4 levels of Jill Miller's Yoga Tune Up at Home Program. Designed to be used sequentially, for a month each, the sequences build on each other each other with exploration in strength, flexibility and proprioception (body awareness in space and movement). The underlying thread is therapeutic and logical.

I've worked with Jill's material for more or less 5 years and have always liked it. I respond well to her focused methodology which supports my own practice and complements what I get from my in-person teachers. Her sense of anatomy and body kinetics is clear-cut and is well-communicated and I can feel a real enhancement in my awareness and strength.

My husband and I travel a lot, sometimes for months at a time, and this series has really helped me maintain my regular practice over the last 6 months -- on three continents. Each disc has 3 practices: Program A and Program B, and Program C (which combines A and B). The longest configuration is only about half an hour -- hard to come up with an excuse to avoid practice.

The program is available via subscription at Jill Miller's website ( ), where you can find a questionnaire that helps establish your level of practice.

Here's a basic breakdown of the 6 discs in Level 3:

Transitional poses: tadasana, ardha chandrasana, balasana, crocodile, dandasana.

Month 1.

Program A:

Apanasana with abdominal contraction.
Revolved abdominal variation III.
Plank, 30 sec.
Mega plank.
Plank with active serratus (push/pull).
Walk the plank minivini with blanket.
Psoas lunge.
Psoas lunge with side bend.

Program B:

End of exhalation abdominal contraction.
Ab mama.
Roaming eagle.
Garudasana crunch.
Happy baby.
Eagle squat mini-vini.
Pigeon forward bend.
Leg stretch 3 on block.

Month 2

Program A:

Dog crawl.
Double apanasana (cannon ball).
Ardha navasana.
Twisted triangle.

Program B:

Epaulet arm circles.
Sun salutations.
Parsvottanasana with block.
Uttanasana with external rotation.
Prasarita padottanasana with clasped hands.
Viparita karani.
Jathara parivartanasana at wall.

Month 3:

Program A:

Pranic bath.
Raise the chalice.
Bridge arms in standing.
Down dog.
Walk the plank.
Cobra with block.
Cobra with bent elbows.
Leg stretch number 3.

Program B:

One legged downward dog.
Moon rises.
Asymmetrical uttanasana.
Half moon.
Twisted half moon.
Warrior III.
Warrior III with one foot on the wall, hands holding brick.
Full moon mini-vini.

Month 4:

Program A:

Revolved abdominal pose 3.
Yoga push ups.
Plank with active serratus.
One-arm plank.
Reversed crucifix.
Open sesame.
Adductor slides.
Adductor lifts.
Twisted triangle run over by a truck.

Program B:

Apanasana on block.
Half happy baby on block at the wall.
Cobra at wall.
Cobra at wall variation, with clasped hands.
Dhanurasana with blanket under belly, hands clasp outside ft.
Dhanurasana with blanket under belly, hands clasp inside ft.
Gate pose.
Twisted triangle (I min.)
Twisted triangle on block.
Upavistha baddha konasana.

Month 5:

Program A:

Revolved abdominal pose 1.
Revolved abdominal pose 2.
Revolved abdominal pose 3.
Parsva ardha navasana.
Runner's lunge.
Virabhadrasana I.
Virabhadrasana II.

Program B:

Monk walks.
Grapevine crawls.
Downward dog.
Double pigeon.
Baddha konasana.
Bhadda konasana with block.
Bhadda konasana with block II.
Uppavistha konasana.

Month 6:

Program A:

Sidewinder with block.
Side savasana.
Parsva janu sirsasana.
Extreme twisted triangle.
Half moon, one foot on wall.
Half moon along wall.

Program B:

End of exhalation contraction.
Aw shucks (adductor).
Adductor slides.
Garudasana squats.
Standing leg stretch 1.
Standing leg stretch 2.
Standing leg stretch 3.
Prasaritta padottanasana with clasped hands.
Twisted child.

Quibbles: sometimes modifications are not included, particularly noticeable in pigeon. And there are some appearance comments which I find distracting -- I'm not doing all this work to look good in a bikini! By and large these issues are very minor, for me.

Instructor Comments:
Jill Miller is extremely knowledgeable. Her background in many disciplines of yoga, movement and therapeutics is well-established and well-utilized in this series. And it's refreshing to see her credit her teacher in this era in which yoga instructors seem to like to appear emerging fully grown from seashells.(I don't care that someone "fell in love with yoga" or that they "like to play" -- that tells me nothing.)

Miller conveys her material with assurance and skill. There is a lot of video material viewable on her website to give you an idea of her manner and style -- even a free streaming therapeutic routine.

Sharon Frost
