Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn

Michelle Dozois
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I really like this workout! Each Peak builds to an all out, intense cardio "peak" and starts all over at square one. Each peak is repeated 2x, I didn't mind this at all. The peaks go by so fast, that they didn't feel repetitive at all to me. There is some high impact but its not relentless pounding for long periods at a time. The cardio peaks can be modified if needed. The music is pretty good (music can make or break a cardio workout for me, a die hard Amy Bento cardio fan) I like Michelles personality and she seems to be enjoying herself. The cardio moves are very easy to learn, old and new moves make for interesting choreo. I like the fact that I can change up the order of the peaks. Instead of playing the entire program, just click on the peak you want, when its over the DVD goes right back to the play list. I see me using this DVD quite a bit, as I can do the full version or just the peaks I want to do at any given time. I will be keeping an eye on Michelle to see what else she produces.

Connie B
