The Firm: Calorie Explosion

Alison Davis
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts , Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

Sadly, I don't have as much time for my workouts as I used to, and I was looking for good, tough cardio that could be done in a shorter amount of time, and this fit the bill! The drills were as tough as some of Cathe's or Tony Horton's (with a lower impact modification shown for many moves) but I can make this fit better in my current schedule by choosing one segment (19 min. with warm-up and stretch) or two segments (31 min. with warm-up and stretch). Great, versatile workout!

Instructor Comments:
Alison's sweet but motivating personality kept me going when I was getting winded.

