30 Minutes to Fitness: Circuit Burn

Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

My KCM background: I have every 30 Minute Workout. I have NYC. I love Cardio Step Boxing 2. You could safely say I am a KCM enthusiast.

My fitness level: Intermediate / Low Advanced

This workout: Absolutely rocks! I much prefer my cardio and strength in independant workouts. I enjoy Cardio-Strength on occasion, but only if the strength portions feel like they gave me "enough" to make it worthwhile. This one meets my criteria. Like all 30 minute series from Kelly you get two 30 minute workouts and the option to do them as a one hour workout besides many premixes. It also has a neat, short and to the point Abs bonus segment. Each circuit has athletic cardio + functional-style strength training + shadow boxing (boxing sans kicking) + lower body. Each circuit is repeated once. you get a premix with no repeats that creates a 30ish minute workout. I found this a fresh way to string things together and very engaging. I typically love Kelly's music. This one is not bad, but is not great either.

I like it even better than her 30 minute Bootcamp.

Instructor Comments:
Kelly is her usual vivacious, dynamo self. I always find her a great instructor including the sparse cueing that annoys some VF-ers, so I have no idea what to say that could be helpful here.

