Presence Through Movement: Yin Yoga

Kim Eng
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Yoga

The first time I completed this DVD I found it very difficult. Some of the poses seemed to go on and on and on. I wanted to give it a second try before giving up on it, though. I learned that being able to hold a pose for 30-40 seconds isn’t the same as holding it for 2-3 minutes. The second time I followed many of her modifications. There are two practices.

Complete Yin Yoga:
o Seated meditation – I have a difficult time sitting cross legged for an extended period, so the second time did it in Shivasana with a pillow under my knees. It was very relaxing.
o Long Legged Butterfly- similar to bound angle pose, except the legs are out long and the back is rounded. I was wondering how my lower back would feel about this and had no problems with it. The second time around, I placed blocks under my knees for support. This pose was very relaxing.
o Shoelace – similar to gomukasana. The second time around I did it has half shoelace with the bottom leg out straight. This was, again, very relaxing.
o Dragon sequence (low lunge variations) – This is a more challenging pose. The second time was much better, although I overstretched in the groin a little bit. I did not hold this pose as long as Kim did.
o Sleeping Swan sequence – similar to pigeon pose. I skipped this pose the second time around. I can do pigeon pose, but the over 3 minute hold time was too long for me!
o Tadpole to Frog – I stuck with tadpole the second time. Another very relaxing pose.
o Happy Baby – very nice, includes rocking from side to side.
o Windshield Wiper – with legs moving from side to side.
o Supine Spinal Twist – the second time around I placed a pillow under my knees. Another perfect example of a pose that I can hold just fine at 30-40 seconds but the pillow was very helpful for the extended hold time.

The shorter Daily Yin Yoga includes seated meditation, long legged butterfly, the dragon sequence, and sleeping swan sequence. I doubt I would use it since it includes the two poses I have the most trouble with. However, each of the poses is chaptered in the Complete practice so using the longer flow it is very easy to just chapter skip to the next pose to personalize.

This was my first yin yoga DVD. I don’t see myself running out to purchase more of this style, but I think this DVD was very good. I think it will be nice to use when I’m looking for something a little special. The scenery was pleasant, Kim’s voice is wonderful. She does a great job at including modifications for those less flexible. I think that the practice would become more enjoyable over time as you learn to modify the poses naturally and just enjoy.

