10 Minute Solution: Quick Sculpt Pilates

Andrea Leigh Rogers
Year Released: 2009

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Pilates/Core Strength

This DVD presents five 10-minute Pilates-based workout routines. Like all of the 10 Minute Solution series, the menu allows you choose one section to do individually, to program two or more sections for a customized workout, or to do all five sections for a 50-minute workout.

Four of the five routines incorporate a small inflated ball, which (at least as of the date of this review) is sold with the DVD in a kit. I obtained my copy of this DVD in a VF trade, minus the ball, and substituted a ball purchased from a local sporting goods store. The ball should be about 7-10” in diameter and sturdy enough to support partial body weight. Using the ball intensifies some of the Pilates mat exercises (e.g. doing bridges with both feet placed on the ball) and in some cases also simulates Pilates exercises done on specialized equipment like the Reformer.

Besides the ball, the only equipment needed is a mat (four of the five routines are focused on floor work). All of the routines are done barefoot. The set and music are on par with other 10 Minute Solution DVDs I have seen – pleasant but not memorable.

The workouts are all led by Andrea Leigh Rogers. She teaches solo and instructs live. She mirror-cues. Because each routine is only 10 minutes, Andrea keeps things moving at a brisk pace. She offers a lot of form pointers and occasionally suggests modifications, but does not really teach the exercises themselves. I would strongly recommend prior Pilates experience before attempting this DVD. Collage rates Quick Sculpt Pilates as Intermediate/Advanced. I am a long-time intermediate exerciser. I could do most of the exercises as presented, but in a few cases could not move as fast as Andrea. I also sat out a couple of exercises that I don't feel strong enough to do safely, such as Jackknife.

The five individual workouts break down as follows. Although I have done many Pilates DVDs I in no way consider myself a Pilates expert, so I apologize if I have misidentified any exercises.

-Total Body Toner: Andrea begins on her back with the ball between the ankles, moving the legs in and out to mimic footwork on a Reformer, followed by a variation of The Hundred. Next are Roll-ups holding the ball, then Jackknife (which I personally cannot do) with the ball back between the ankles. A version of Coordination follows, then Single Leg Circles with the lower leg supported by the ball. The ball is next tucked between the thighs for a variation of Open Leg Rocker. This section concludes with the “Teaser Toss,” exchanging the ball between the hands and feet during a series of Teasers, followed by the Saw (while holding the ball in one hand). To me this section lacked focus – not my favorite.

-Buns & Thigh Sculptor: This section features a short side-kick series, including leg lifts, circles and ronde de jambe. Andrea first uses the ball under the torso as a prop, then transfers it to between the thighs for a series of squeezes. This section finishes with bridgework done with the feet up on the ball (which, as Andrea says, gives this exercise a whole new dynamic!).

-Strength & Flexibility Pilates: This routine focuses on spinal stability and back strengthening. We begin by using the ball to roll in and out of Swan Prep, then flip over onto out stomachs for Single Leg Kick (with the ball tucked behind the knee) then Double Leg Kick and froggy-style leg lifts (ball between the ankles). After a brief rest in Child’s Pose, it is back onto the stomach for alternating arm lifts and leg lifts, followed by Swimming. Andrea next leads us through her version of some Spine Corrector exercises – on our backs, with the ball under the seat, we do froggy moves, Scissors, Helicopter, and Heel Beats. (I found this part different and kind of fun!) We conclude with Spine Stretch Forward.

-Core Conditioner: A series of familiar Pilates abs exercises, spiced up with the ball -- Single Leg Stretch while weaving the ball between the legs, Double Leg Stretch squeezing the ball between the ankles, Scissors again weaving the ball between the legs, Next is a series of leg lowers while squeezing the ball between the ankles, followed by a tricky version of Criss-Cross (I find myself at a loss as how to describe it!). More traditional reverse crunches are next, then Andrea does Teasers incorporating the ball. Obliques are worked by using the ball to roll out backwards at a diagonal. She finishes with another traditional Pilates core exercise that I don’t know the name of.

-Standing Pilates Sculpt: This section does not use the ball and is mostly standing work. Andrea does standing versions of traditional Pilates mat exercises such as The Hundred and Single Leg Circles. I’m not sure how much “sculpting” is achieved, but it makes for a very nice little balance routine.

Bottom line: I’m a strictly intermediate exerciser, but have worked out at home with DVDs for many years. I've done a number of Pilates DVDs, both "pure" or traditional Pilates, and also "fusion"-style workouts incorporating Pilates moves. With regard to Quick Sculpt Pilates, I want to like this one more than I actually do, to be honest. It is well presented and Andrea is a fine instructor. However, using the ball became a hit or miss proposition for me depending on the exercise. Sometimes it added an element of challenge or fun, but more often it just felt kind of fussy. In all fairness, maybe some of the exercises would work better if I had the actual ball sold with the kit. Ironically, my favorite part of the DVD was the standing balance section which doesn't use the ball at all.

10MS Quick Sculpt Pilates is readily available online at sites such as Collage, Total Fitness DVDs, and Amazon.

Instructor Comments:
Andrea comes from an extensive dance background and is a certified Pilates instructor. She is the proprietor of her own workout, Xtend, and also appears in another 10 Minute Solution DVD, Dance Your Body Thin. She presents in a very clear, pleasant and professional manner. Her website is www.xtendbarreworkout.com.

