Yoga Tune Up at Home, Level 1

Jill Miller
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Yoga

Level 1, Month 2

Program A: 15 minutes
This is a very nice routine for stretching after a workout. There isn't a lot of up and down like there is in some of the other YAH routines. You start on the floor, move to standing for the lunges and chair poses, then go back to the floor to finish. The poses include: sidewinder, revolved abdominal pose, bicycle, 2 runner's lunge variations, 3 chair pose variations with blocks, wide leg runners lunge, boomerang, face-up pigeon. I love to do this one after a run.

Program B: 19 minutes
This one is another great stretching routine. Poses include: knee to chest, half happy baby, leg stretch #1,#2,#3 at the wall, standing forward bend with bent knees, head to knee pose, side bending head to knee pose, eagle crunch, happy baby. I love the leg stretch sequence. I think it is the same as in Post-Athletic Stretch Running routine. (But the rest of the routine is different, so I like having both.) The only really difficult pose in this one for me is the eagle crunch.

Program C: 32 minutes
All of the poses from A and B combined into one routine.

With the other months, I find that I like to do the long routine C, but with month 2, I don't do that as much. That is because I think both A and B on their own are great routines for a post workout stretch. Routine A focuses a little more on the hips, and Routine B on the hamstrings. I love them both.

Lisa C
