
Tracie Long
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts , Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I didn't enjoy Kick Back very much. The weighted arm work in the first section was ok, but I felt like the second section was a lot of basic kicks that got a little repetitive. Also, since the leg work in the second section is so short, I felt like I needed heavier weights to feel anything, but a lot of the work felt too fast to use those heavier weights. The music got weird at some point in the second section and went on and on (check out the clip to hear the songs - the same song plays throughout each section, so there's only one song per section)...same thing for the third section. I actually like a lot of the music Tracie chooses, but unfortunately I didn't like the Kick Back music.

Nyx Black
