Better Burn... Better Buns

Tracie Long
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Gliding Disks, Lower Body Strength

This is an aerobic/toning interval style workout led by prior Firm instructor Tracie Long. Tracie has designed a "functional fitness" style workouts that is sure to appeal to those of us that are looking for a little something different in their workouts.

Tracie is accompanied by two background exercisers who each show different modifications for increasing or lowering the intensity of the workout. The warm up starts with a very fun medicine ball routine of step taps, twists, knee ups, and side to side twists.

Next, you do some plank exercises using your stick or dowel. There are three variations: (1) you place the stick horizontal to your body and walk your hands over while in plank, (2) place the stick vertical to your body while you walk your legs over the stick side to side, and (3) while you are on your back with knees to chest, bring the stick under your bum and pull it out and over your head. A specific breathing technique is incorporated that makes this move harder.

Next you move on to the meat of the workout that consists of toning moves with the medicine ball followed by cardio moves with the ball. My heart rate stayed up the whole time, so I couldn't really tell the toning from the cardio. Of course, she tells you "we're on to our next cardio segment" but the moves blend together so well that I forget. There are plenty of lunges, balancing moves, squats, standing side crunches, twists, side leg raises, skater moves, and the like that really work your upper and lower body.

Set: oh, I loved the set! The floors were a dark color and the walls were dark red brick. There were huge windows in the background and big ships sailing by. Tropical Storm Tammy was also in the background :) You could see the weather changing, and Tracie even commented on it a few times in her workout.

So how would one rotate this into their workouts? I personally considered this workout more cardio than anything. Even during the toning sections, my heart rate was pretty up there. Although my shoulder, butt, hamstrings, and arms felt nicely sore the next day, I would not use this video for strength gains or to get ripped. I think that certain body parts got cheated. Or maybe I just don't like to combine my cardio and weights, or maybe I just prefer more traditional weight lifting? For me, this was a cardio DVD with a toning bonus.

If you like traditional weight lifting, I still say to give this DVD a try. Just keep an open mind: know that it will seem as though it's mostly cardio and that the only weight you are using is a weighted medicine ball. If you are looking for a workout that seems more like play then work, definitely get this! It's a fun workout, Tracie is professional and sweet, and the set is nice.

PROS: this is a fun workout! You almost feel as though you are playing! Loved the set. Music was good without being too loud. Tracie

CONS: there are several exercises that use rags or paper plates (or I guess you could use gliding disks?) for several workouts. If I had these tools on hand, I'm sure I would have gotten a better leg workout. As it was, paper plates do not work well on carpet, so I had to sub a lot of moves. Tracie sometimes cues some of the cardio moves too fast.

Instructor Comments:
Tracey is cheerful without being corny, professional while not being monotone. She cued well, for the most part, and gave detailed instructions on exercises.

