The Firm: Calorie Explosion

Alison Davis
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts , Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

Calorie Explosion is led by Alison, blue room, black outfits, backgrounders are Rebekah and Emily. 3 min warmup, 4 12min sections {Althetic Drills, Power Moves, Kbox, and High Intesity Moves} followed by a short cooldown stretch. I thought it was a beginner workout at first, it is slow paced for an Alison workout, but the workout sneaks up on you, The moves, even in the Kbox are rather basic, nothing very complicated or even difficult to follow. Allison gives us a base move, adds on another and ups the intensity, while Emily modifies the impact. There are 'blasts' of higher impact moves to keep the HR up.

The menu gives you a 'play all' option, which plays the wu, workouts in order listed, then cd. The 4 workouts are listed individually and when played each start with the wu. There's a also a custom workout option which lets you choose which workouts you want to do, skipping the wu and cd between sections.

This is definatly a cardio workout, with a bootcamp/almost HIIT feel. Kbox seems the least intense, and doesn't use weights, has 2 or 3 combos starting with jab, cross, 3 knee repeater, repeat, bob/weave, jump and spin {speed-bag}. second combo starts with 3 kicks, back kick, cresent, side kick, alternate front punches. I modified out the cresent doing two side kicks.

Drills and High Int are very much alike, being the most bootcamp-y, with the usual 4-limbed moves, interspersed with jacks, tuck jumps, planks, pushups, lunges and dips. HI starts with a base move set, second set speeds up, and third set adds power.

Power Moves has a lot of impact {which I modify some out but keep some, depending on the move and how I feel about it}. I think this is the one that about 10 min in Alison has us go to the floor for planks/mt-climbers/plank-rows, since I can't go to the floor in the middle of cardio, I did something else. I know I did standing rows but the workout seems a blur now.

