Tae Bo Amped Core Express

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 2007

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

This workout is one of the five that are included in the Tae Bo Amped set, which includes the 3# weighted bar. The bar is well made; it is red, padded, and is about 1.5 feet but extends to about 3 feet (the different length are used for different moves). This is classic Tae Bo: the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 counting, the same twisting, kickboxing, fast paced cardio/toning moves adapted to the bar. Half of the class uses the bar and half does not, so you don’t’ need the bar to use the Amped workouts.

From my observation on the VF forum, people either like Tae Bo or they don’t. I enjoy Tae Bo (I have the Billy’s Bootcamp with the bands and the Amped series) but they are still overwhelming to me in terms of intensity which is why I like Core Express – it’s only 30 minutes long. It covers ab work, arm work, has a few kicks and punches and goes at a very quick pace (although I think minutely slower than other Tae Bo Amped workouts). All of the Amped workouts (Core Express included) have four sets at a moderate pace followed by four super quick amped sets. The amped sets are SO fast that I generally stay with the moderate pace throughout.

Overall I enjoyed this workout. I like using the weighted bar and I would call this a high intermediate endurance workout. I admire Billy’s genuine enthusiasm as he teaches the moves. There is his classic miscuing but it doesn’t bother me. The production qualities are good and the music is a good too, although I didn’t like that he used some of the same music that he did in the Amped Roc kin’ Abs workout (I have only tried these two workouts from the set so far, there could have been more repeat music that I am unaware of). I liked the music itself but he could have had more variety. I liked the workout and it had good variety but for a “core” workout I hoped he had done more classic Tae Bo standing ab work! Overall grade B+.

Instructor Comments:
I enjoy Billy as an instructor because he’s obviously passionate and enthusiastic about fitness, he gives good form pointers, and looks into the camera to encourage you to keep at the exercise, and to stop if you need to but they will be there waiting when you get back. He does have the counting issue but it actually wasn’t so bad in Core Express.

Emily B.
