Tonique 2

Sylwia Wiesenberg
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core , Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Lower Body Strength , Upper Body Strength

Tonique 2-Disc one.
This is part of a 2 DVD set by Sylwia Weisenberg. It is basically a low weight high rep workout primarily for the lower body. The set is the same as the Tonique Mat workout (blue background with white sail-like hangings.)
The first workout in this set(2.1) is divided Four Sections: Warmup,Pure Cardio, Sculpt Squat and Lunge and Cardio Squat and Lunge

Warmup: This section is called Cooldown/Stretch(8 minutes) I think it is to be used as a warmup because it appears first in both 2.1 and 2.2 workouts. Sylwia is wearing a swimsuit in this section and does some stretching and flowey kinds of moves. I do not like this section because I don't like to stretch before I warmup and it seems like Sylwia is posing in many of the moves. Then of course there's the swimsuit which I find bizarre so I just skip this section. For a warmup, I do the Pure Cardio portion slowly and controlled on the rebounder ( it is fairly high impact ) and then do it again more vigorously as the cardio portion proper.

Pure Cardio(8 min): Alot of high impact moves like jumping jacks, alternating knee lifts to the side, jogging in place, knee up sprints, butt kicks, rope jumps. boxer shuffle etc. Most if not all of the moves are very easy to do on the rebounder.

Sculpt squat and lunge-Note: the title when you select this chapter comes up as "Cardio Sculpt" (18 min): This section has moves that will work the upper and lower body using light hand weights and will get your heart rate up. Moves include:
basic squats with bicep curls, squat with side leg extension, single leg squat leg extension, squat/curtsey lunge combo, butterfly (rear delt flys) squat/side step combo alternating sides with bicep curls, then squat side step on one side then the other, pulse squats, lunge with kicks etc.

Cardio Squat and Lunge (16 min): arm extension, squat arm and leg extension, pulsing squats, alternating squat front kicks, squat jump*, hold squat, squat leg swoosh alternating, jumping jack squat*, squat knee up, long lunge alternating, long lunge with small jumps alternating, single leg rear lunge, diagonal lunge, shake out legs, squat jump*, single leg lunge pull, squat jump*
*- high impact move that can be done on rebounder.
Keep in mind there are LOTS of reps of these exercises and your legs will be fried by the end. With the exception of the warmup music which is awful, the music is not terrible but its not great either.Its hard to explain but its sort of techno-rock. I usually mute the TV and play my own music. I like that for some exercises she works one leg at a time and alternates legs for others.

The workout is well chaptered-each exercise is chaptered separately.

Instructor Comments:
Sylwia is very encouraging as an instructor. She offers form pointers regularly but does not mirror cue.

My review for Tonique 2.2 will be entered at a later date

