Tonique Mat Workout

Sylwia Wiesenberg
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core , Lower Body Strength

This is the ultimate lower body floor workout led by Sywia Weisenberg . It is chaptered and divided into four main sections: Warmup, On the side, On the back, on all fours. Most of the exercises are done for about 30 reps.
Warmup-when you select this option it is called Cooldown/stretch. There is some strange music and no voice instruction. There is some dynamic stretching but it isn't something I would do as a warmup. I think some light cardio should be done before attempting the main part of the workout or anything else you normally do to warmup before a lower body strength workout.
On the side (17 minutes) You do all exercises on one side then switch sides. exercises are:
Side Leg Raises
Knee to chest - leg into chest and then out
Side knee raise (Clam move without feet touching)
Knee Extensions - knee into chest and then out and up
L-Shape Leg Extension - bent knee into chest, bring up then down and then back out straight out along bottom leg (but not touching bottom leg)
Crunch W/Leg Extension - leg is straight with toes pointed to ceiling and then bring it in when you crunch up
Backward Leg Demi-Extension and press -like a pretzel, bringing knee forward and back then pulsing leg up and down.
Change sides and repeat all.
On the Back ( 30 minutes): warning: get the fire extinguisher ready!
Pelvis Lifts ending with a hold up in bridge, then pulses with hips lifted
Leg Opening - hip lifts with legs together, lower hips and legs open to the sides 20-30 reps then: Open and close with hips lifted and pulsing
Another set of Pelvis Lifts
Long hold in bridge position with feet together.
Right Leg in to chest and extended while in bridge position(warning she says 10 reps but does 25!)
Left Leg in and Extended in bridge position
Right Leg Up and down w/hips lifted
Left Leg Up and down with hips lifted
Side to Side Pelvis Lift
Bicycle- front to back then reverse feet back to front
Leg Circles - loads of reps in both directions
Ab work: Crunch W/Leg Opening -shows modification not crunching to only work the thighs if you have neck issues
Leg Extensions - sitting with hands behind you bringing legs in and out
Side Crunches left
Crunch W/Leg Extensions left side
Side crunches then Crunch W/Leg Extensions on right side Ab drill -sit ups with arms extended Side to side ab drill (like russian twist kettlebell move)
Plank - hold for 1 min.
Push Up/Plank progression- 2 push ups then plank on elbows for 2 seconds, 3 push ups then elbow planks for 3 seconds, 4 push ups then elbow plan for 4 seconds, etc. up to 5 then a short rest then continue in this fashion until 8 pushups. Knee Push Ups (30) Finish with some movements to stretch the upper body.

On all fours (~ 22 minutes?) Leg Knee to Ceiling - donkey kicks
Pulse w/Leg Up
Leg Extensions - leg up, bend knee up in and back (for hamstrings)
Straight Leg Lifts - can bend knee slightly to feel it more in the hamstring otherwise you feel it more in the glute
Brief Child's Pose
Side Leg Lift - fire hydrant move (sylwia says this is "like a dog peeing!"
Leg Extensions W/Push Ups - push ups on knees then come up and swing leg back and up
Bent Knee Lift Leg Extension - bring knee into shoulder and then out and back

Repeat all switching legs then end with some stretches
Set- Plain blue background with white sail looking things.
Music: Cheesy, discolike with some vocals


Instructor Comments:
Sylwia: She has a Polish accent which I did not have a hard time understanding. She often miscounts and you will curse her for doing so. But it not done with a Cathe-like witche's laugh - she is so sweet and good natured about it -like she is really looking out for your best interest. She gave good form pointers and was encouraging during the tough parts. And make no mistake: this is one tough workout. Not much for the upper body and core but a killer unweighted lower body workout. Would be great for travel.

