The Firm: Jiggle Free Arms (BSS4)

Stephanie Huckabee
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Upper Body Strength

This is a 30 minute cardio + upper body strength work dvd. Stephanie leads with 4 background exercisers, Alison shows the beginner modificaitons. This workout was released as a BSS4 (TransFirmer) add on and features the TransFirmer (TF) . You will also need a variety of dumbbells. The set is nice and open and a bright grayish white.

Let me start off by saying I LOVE LOVE LOVE this workout! It is probably my all time favorite workout dvd ever made. I am very fond of all the BSS4 TransFirmer workouts though and I like Stephanie. She is an excellent lead, her demeanor is awesome and her cueing is spot on. She is very fit and motivating! The workout has NO dread factor but is fun and you will get a great workout with it to.

This workout features step, incline step, and floor aerobics interspersed with upper body strength work. The strength work includes: pushups off the TF, pec fly (using the incline as a bench) bench press, tricep bench press, bicep curls, clean and press, shoulder raises, tricep dips off the TF, and other upper body work at varied tempos. The time flys with this one and you will thouroughly work all your upper body muscles and work up a very nice sweat all in only 30 minutes.

This workout is great to add to other cardio + upper body workouts (Jackies 1 on 1, Results 10 Days, Barrys Bootcamp Fat Blaster, etc) or to add to Jiggle Free Buns for a complete strength + cardio workout.

