Gold Medal Fitness

Mitch Gaylord

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

This is Mitch Gaylord's Ab routine from the Gold Medal Fitness (aka "Melt It Off") program. There are some very challenging moves here that might not be right for everyone so use caution if you are an inexperienced exerciser.


1. High Knees Jog (You can pass G-ball from hand to hand).

2. Overhead stretch (side to side w/ G-ball over head)

3. Knee raise twist (High knee march while rotating the torso to bring ball to outside of the hip of the raised knee)


1. In and out extension: G-ball between knees, hands behind torso. Extend and flex knees. Bring torso towards knees as they flex inward (like “in and outs” from P90X) 25 reps

2. Tuck-ups: Lying supine w/ legs extended, ball straight overhead. Bring right knee in while your curl up and bring the G-ball to the shin. Then do this to the left side, then the center. 12 reps (right/left/center = 1 rep)

3. Obliques: Place ball between knees (w/ knees bent), hands behind torso. Rotate the torso from side to side (w/ feet off the floor). Note: Don’t lean back too far.

4. Plank: Bronze: on forearms (sphinx position) and knees. Silver: on forearms, on toes w/ wide legs (or they can be close together. Gold: on hands w/ arms out far in front, on toes. 1 Minute

5. Kayak: Like a Russian twist w/ bicycle legs. The ball rotates to the outside of the hip of the inwardly flexed knee. Note: you can also keep the ball stationary by the abs while you bicycle the legs. 25 reps (right/left = 1 rep.

6. Right-Left-Center: supine w/ bent legs, holding ball in front of you, crunch right, left and then center (lowering torso between each position). On the 5th rep hold the last one in the center position for 10 counts.

Rest for 5 seconds then repeat this exercise.

7. Tuck-up/V-Sit combination: Start supine w/ arms overhead w/ G-ball, legs extended and off of the ground. 1st tuck (bring knees in, ball touches shins), then move into a V-up (keep legs straight as you flex the hips inward, flex the spine towards the legs and touch the shins w/ the ball).

Modification: Do the tuck as described above, but for the V-Up, just bring in one knee at a time while the other leg stays on the floor). 12 reps

8. Plank (as before) 1 minute

9. Up and Over: Start in a pike position (w/ legs straight in front, hands behind torso). Start w/ the feet on one side of the ball, lift them up and over the G-ball, and then back to the starting side.

My note: Modification: do w/ bent knees 30 reps

10. Scissor Switch: Lying supine. Bring the right straight leg up in the air, the left leg extended out w/ the foot about 2 inches off the ground. Arms extended above the chest. Then extend the right leg to meet the left as you bring the G-ball overhead. Alternate legs, bringing the ball to meet each other in the center. At the end of the 6th rep, hold both the legs extended (about 2 inches above the ground) and the arms extended overhead. Take a 5 second rest and repeat this exercise.

Pike-Up: G-ball is between the knees, torso supine w/ hands down by the side, palms flat into the floor. Raise the hips upward w/ the heels to the sky. 15 reps.

12. Plank: 1 minute

Cool down

1. Up dog on toes: w/ wide feet. Note: you can rock side to side

2. Child’s pose

3. Knees to chest: Supine, rock side to side.

4. Lying supine twist: Start by bringing one knee into the chest w/ the other leg extended straight. Then twist. Repeat on the other side.

Scott (Yogadad)
