
Tracy Effinger
Year Released: 2007

Categories: Abs/Core , Ballet/Barre, Lower Body Strength , Upper Body Strength

SQUEEZE is a well-chaptered, versatile DVD that offers an athletic interpretation of the “barre” genre, combining light-weight resistance training and isometric work. It offers an option for a longer (57 minutes) or shorter (26 minutes) full-body workout; you can also easily use individual chapters to create your own workout. Here is a breakdown of the DVD:

FULL SQUEEZE (57 minutes)

Warmup (2:00)
Alternate knees up and forward stretch.

Arms (8:15)
This section is a shoulder burner, with several variations on the lateral raise, front raise and overhead press. There are also some bicep curls and a bit of work for the chest and back.

Triceps (4:30)
Leaning over with one arm extended back, you perform several small pulses pressing the arm in and up, triceps kickbacks and pulses. This is challenging!

Waist (3:35)
Standing waist work: variations on overhead reach and side bends.

Pushups and triceps dips on floor (4:05)

Standing stretch (3:00)
Stand with one leg on a chair (or barre): Side twist, hamstring stretch and side stretch. This section feels wonderful!

Legs (5:00)
Plié variations in a small first position, second position, and with feet and knees together (Tracy calls this the “uncomfortable chair” – it is!). Lots of pulses and pelvic tucks.

Seated stretch (7:10)
Several lunge variations to stretch the hamstrings, quads and hips.

The “L” (6:00)
Lying on your side with your legs extended in front at a 90 degree angle, you do several tortuous variations on the leg abduction, turning the toes up and down. This really gets into the outer thighs and glutes.

Abs – the ab “c” (6:25)
You sit with the ball between your thighs and hands behind the knees then roll down into a “c” shape. From this position, Tracy goes through several curl variations (both concentric and isometric). This includes some innovative moves, such as the breast stroke. I LOVE this section!

Buns and thighs (4:15)
You lie on your back with your feet on the floor, knees and hips at 90 degrees. This section is all pelvic tucks, changing the feet positions and tempo. It really targets the glutes and hamstrings.

Stretch (3:30)

POWER SQUEEZE (26 minutes)

Warmup (1:30)
Knees up and forward stretch

Power pushups and triceps dips (2:45)
Includes a neat variation on the triceps dip with a kick

Standing stretch (3:00)
Same footage as the “full squeeze”

Legs (1:30)
Plié variations with feet parallel and ball between the thighs

Pretzel (4:25)
In a pretzel position: variations on the hip extension and leg adduction

Abs (5:50)
Curl variations with the ball between the thighs (includes lots of inner thigh squeezes)

Buns and thighs (3:45)
You lie on your back with your feet on the floor, knees and hips at 90 degrees and ball between the thighs. This section is all pelvic tucks, changing the feet positions and tempo.

Stretch (3:30)
Same footage as the “full squeeze”


This option allows you to play individual segments from the “full squeeze”: triceps, arms, seated stretch, pretzel. It also includes 3 additional segments:

Fold over plank (5:50)
On all four: Hip extension and leg adduction variations

The flat abs (6:20)
Very interesting and thorough ab work (e.g. curls with your legs extended on the floor and ankles crossed)

Windshield wiper buns and thighs (3:50)
Again, this is a series of pelvic tucks with the feet on a wall but it includes new variations like bringing one knee in towards the other, then out and lift (the “windshield washer”)

My favorite way to use this DVD is the following Lower Body Mix I put together; it contains 30 minutes of lower body work (twice as much as the Full Body Squeeze) and the sequence goes from an emphasis on the front of the thighs (standing leg work) to the abductors and medial glutes (L and Pretzel), to the glutes, hamstrings and inner thighs (wall work).

Warmup (Full Body Squeeze) - 2:00
Waist (Full Body Squeeze) - 3:35
Legs (Full Body Squeeze) - 5:00
Legs (Power Squeeze) - 1:30
The "L" (Full Body Squeeze) - 6:00
Pretzel (Custom Squeeze) - 4:25
Foldover Plank (Custom Squeeze) - 5:50
Buns & Thighs (Power Squeeze) - 3:45
Windshiel Washer Buns & Thighs (Custom Squeeze) - 3:50
Flat Abs (Custom Squeeze) - 6:20
Final Stretch (Full Body Squeeze) - 3:30

Instructor Comments:
Tracy is such an engaging, positive instructor! She provides clear cueing and you feel she is working hard right along with you.

