Crunch: Fat Blaster Plus

Tracy York
Year Released: 1996

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This video consists of four aerobic segments which take a total of thirty minutes to complete. The workout is challenging mainly because Tracy's cueing is so poor. It is nearly impossible to follow because she changes moves so quickly. She seems to care more about keeping the heart rate up then keeping the form in good shape. She has you doing bouncing squats. Now is it just me, or did I hear like a thousand times before never to bounce when stretching?! I've never done the first fat blaster video, but this one only has two "whoops" in it. The background is studio like and the extras in the video seem way to happy to be exercising. If you like doing tons of grape-vines, this is the video for you. Other than that, I just feel that this video does not give a good workout at all. Good luck to all of you who attempt it!

Kari R.
