Yoga Journal's: Yoga Practice for Beginners

Patricia Walden
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Yoga

I have to voice a different opinion on this tape. To give you some background: I am a Thai woman and an intermediate exerciser. Although I am an Asian, I’m never interested in Yoga before and have zero experience in Yoga practice. I order this tape because of the good reviews. I will begin with the good side of the tapes. I think the instruction is clear. But since I have no other Yoga tapes, I can’t compare. I welcome the modification and the use of props, although I find that I don’t have to use any. It may be useful if I "play" Yoga with my children. Now for the thing I don’t like about this tape. I think this tape is not the workout tape proper. It is rather an instruction/demonstration tape. I have to ff all the time to work out with it. After only 7-8 times, I think I memorize all the cueing and the pose, I stop using this tape at all and do the poses by my own. Even as a demonstration tape, I can’t see any reasons or senses whatsoever behind the sequencing of the poses. For example, you do the full Proud Warrior and then why do you have to do the modified version of this pose again? After explaining the Mountain Pose for a very long time, when you come to this pose again, you have to stop and listen to her talking about this pose once more. The instructor doesn’t hold any pose long enough to challenge you. And I don’t think she hold it equally for the left and right side. If she shows the modified and full version at the same time, this tape can include many more poses. There is no Sun Salutation as far as I know. No backbend either. And why doesn’t she just hold the pose longer and during that time she can preach about the benefit of Yoga as much as she likes? Maybe this tape came out when Yoga was not popular as present. So it is dated and so boring. I still can’t see why Collage rate this as intermediate. But again I can’t compare. If you want to learn Yoga, I think there are many new tapes out there now. If you want to try this tape, beware of its instructional format. This is definitely not a workout tape, IMHO.

Instructor Comments:
I have nothing for or against her. What I don’t like is the tape format, not the instructor. But I’m afraid I will be reluctant to buy any tapes from her or the Yoga Journal’s again.

