Tae Bo Live Advanced Volume 1

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

This tape is great, real challenging from even the warm up, your heart rate gets up quickly. I can feel this video working my abs and legs. Tae-bo so far has been the only exercise that has made me fit into my jeans of two summers ago that wouldn't even get pass my hips, I thought it was hopeless until I tried his tapes. I am still an avid fan of Cathe and the Firm but they don't have the energy Billy has to keep my interest. This is great if you want to rotate to keep up with your fitness goals. I look forward to purchasing the other Tae-Bo Advanced tapes.

Instructor Comments:
Billy has been getting alot of flack since the success of his Tae-Bo tapes and he has handled it with such grace. I think he has done something most instructors and exercise videos couldn't do and that is get America off their butts and exercising. Seen the new infomerical for the new Tae-Bo tapes. I do see the sincerity in Billy and that plus the awesome exciting workouts keeps me coming.

Mitzi Pelle
