Yoga Conditioning For Athletes

Rodney Yee
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Yoga

This is a wonderful yoga tape that is excellent for all levels. Approximately 55 minutes in length you will stretch your body and relax your mind. Comprised of 3 different sections, you will need a chair and various yoga props (if you are less flexible) Two participants show different modifications for the less flexible and the less strong. Also since the two modifying participants are using props, it’s good videos that may help you in using your yoga props.

Filmed in Hawaii, the scenery is beautiful. They are on a beautiful grassy area that over looks the ocean. Even though this is filmed outside there are very few shadows or distracting objects.

The first section is called the Opening. Using the chair as a prop, you will begin to stretch you legs, groin, and back. You will do seated half lotus, with one leg on the ground. A few spinal twists seated in the chair and other groin and leg stretches. Then you will stand while using the chair as a leg rest. Forward folds with on leg extended on the back of the chair, side angles with on leg elevated, as well as spinal twists.

The second section is Conditioning. These are standing poses. Some of the poses included are forward fold, downward dog, up dogs, triangle pose, tree pose, powerful pose, warriors 1 & 2, and wide-angle legs forward folds. As usual with Rodney he progress nicely in the beginning in the transitions to forward fold and downward dog. Utilizing the bent knee positions of both poses, you are easily led into the straight leg versions of the poses. All of the standing poses flow very well together. Alternating sides then moving on the next pose makes for a nice flow.

The third section is Integration. This is a nice section of both seated and lying poses. There are lots of leg stretches. You begin in the hero’s pose integrating back bends and nice arm stretches. Other poses are the cobra, bow, various position leg stretches, cobblers, happy baby, as well as spinal twists. These seated and lying poses work well together to stretch and relax your back as well as you inner thighs and hamstrings. This sections ends with a wonderful 6-minute guided body awareness and relaxation.

This is one of my favorite yoga tapes. Since it shows modifications for the less flexible and less strong, I think many people will be able to benefit from the yoga stretches even if they are not advanced or super flexible. As usual Rodney Yee is motivating and performs each pose with graceful and very proper form.

This is by far one of the best yoga videos on tape. And the nice longer length is a great addition to the other Living Arts Yoga videos that are shorter in length.

Susie F.
