Power Yoga for Beginners: Flexibility

Rodney Yee
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Yoga

I have this tape and I like it best of all the living arts tapes. Some of the poses he does a lot include upward and downward dog, forward bend (seated and standing), lunge, plank, triangle, and exalted warrior. He does some great poses I don't see a lot too, like pigeon lunge, where one leg is bent in front of you (knee pointing straight ahead), the other leg straight back, and then you lean forward over the bent leg. It feels great! He also does downward dog on one leg, with the other leg bent up and then you twist to the side. There is a fair amount of back bending, standing and from a lunge. I really like this. I use this tape frequently as a post-workout stretch because it gets my legs and back so thoroughly It's vigorous enough to keep your muscles warm for 20 minutes but not so difficult that it'll seem hard after a workout. I feel very stretched in my hamstrings, inner thighs, hips, quads and hip flexors afterwards, and all the twists and back bends feel great!

Instructor Comments:

Tina Gray
