Yoga Booty Ballet Masters: Yoga Core

Teigh McDonough, Gillian Marloth
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Abs/Core

Yoga Core is one of the Yoga Booty Ballet Master Series workouts. It is a half-hour workout which focuses on strengthening the midsection, primarily through yoga poses and planks, although some of the moves remind me of pilates. It is somewhat similar to the second section of the YBB Abdominals & Core Strength workout (an add-on to the original YBB set). Some of the moves in Yoga Core also reminded of Baron Baptiste's Core Power, as well as Rodney Yee's Abs Yoga.

Pat58 has already posted an excellent review of Yoga Core, so I won't do a breakdown of the moves here. I just wanted to add that of the five Master Series DVDs, this is far and away my favorite. For me it is also the most intense -- I felt it in my core for two days afterwards! It is much more intense than Goddess Abs (although now that I have done both I can see how they complement each other).

Yoga Core is worth seeking out if you prefer non-traditional ab work (including pilates), if you want to work your back and core as well as your abs, and especially if you appreciate YBB's emphasis on the mind-body connection when working out.

Instructor Comments:
As always, Teigh and Gillian offer clear, professional instruction while also emphasizing the mind-body connection. Yoga Core really shows them at their best.

