Winsor Pilates Bun & Thigh Sculpting

Mari Winsor
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

An 18 minute workout featuring the pilates lying side-kick series. Well queued, fast paced, and no dread because it's over in 18 minutes. Not overly instructed. Suitable for experienced beginners to intermediate level. Not sure how this workout would feel to advanced Pilates practioners since I am not advanced, but you do want to have some Pilates experience so that you know how to use your breath and engage your "power house" to stabilize your hips & upper body while executing the exercises. Just enough repetitions to feel the burn but not working to the point of full exhaustion of the muscles where you have to stop. Great for hip mobility, flexibilty and strength. Makes a good add on to your other workouts.

Instructor Comments:
Pleasant, positive, obviously well versed in Pilates instruction. Nothing annoying about Mari

Helen K (antbuko)
