Winsor Pilates Bun & Thigh Sculpting

Mari Winsor
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

Winsor Bun & Thigh Sculpting is a quick, 18-minute workout that focuses on the Pilates side kick series. Beginning on one side, Mari leads her class of 5 participants through the standard exercises of the series, although she adds a few twists--eg, performing both large and small leg circles. She then has the students bend their knees to the front for a series she calls "fetal thighs." The movements in this series were quite simple, but by the end, my buttocks/outer hip area was completely fried! Then the entire sequence is repeated to the other side. To finish, you roll onto your stomach for a set of heel beats and then stretch back to finish. This is definitely an excellent workout for the buttocks, hips, and thighs area, although it may have a bit of a "dread" factor.

Instructor Comments:
Mari always reminds me a bit of a drill sergeant because of the way she walks among her class, shouting out commands--sometimes I wonder if they are afraid of her! ;-) However, she is very encouraging, frequently telling the class that they did a great job, and she offers excellent cueing and form pointers.

Beth C (aka toaster)
