Kickbutt Steamin Cardio

Heidi Tanner
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I received these 2 dvds (along with the others in the series) as a free offer from WHFN.

Of all the original FPs that were remade, this one has suffered the most in translation. Kelsie Daniels was just incredible in the original- that woman

can move! Heidi is a competent instructor who just doesn't bring the same energy and fire to the workout- at times, she seems like she is two breathes from collapse.

There's something about this workout that really bothers me- there's an aura to it that it can't be done well or even properly. Maybe its because some of the cast has such horrible form on the plyo jumps WITH WEIGHTS. Maybe its because there are moments when Heidi seems to be in trouble. A couple of the women in the cast trip over the steps at various times. Personally, I kinda like it when the cast misses choreography, but I get worried when the form goes bad or gets sloppy.

Of all the new FP/KBs, this one seems to be the least oriented around juggling equipment, but each song still ends with a pose and then you stand there while Heidi says whats next. It felt very stop and start-y to me.
While doing the workout, I felt taxed, and not in a good way. I'm not sure its a good idea to have people drop their heads down for a partial handstand move WHILE THEIR HEARTRATES ARE ELEVATED FOR CARDIO and then transition them into jumps and back into the handstand move. yet, not long after the workout ended, I felt as if I hadn't worked out. This is supposed to be a cardio workout but its too broken up with push ups and posing and so on. I would also say that there really isn't 6 min of pilates or 11 min of yoga. There is about that much time of pilates inspired ab floor work and yoga inspired stretches. There is a few min of resistance work- push ups and some 4 limb cardio with light weights- mentioning it is a joke- there isn't enough of it to constitute weight training, but it does break up the cardio. Heidi also refers to a segment as low impact when you do lunge jumps. Whatever.

And the football runs look and feel ridiculous. They are in lots of these workouts for some reason. So- to sum it up-
the bad: some ill advised moves, an instructor that seems out of her league at times, ostentatious statues, not enough attention or intention paid to making this a CARDIO workout and posing, posing posing.
the good: music and vocal tracks at great volumes, not competing with each other; crisp visual production- clear picture and easy to see instructor; the music is really cool in this one.

Verdict- trade or sell pile.

Instructor Comments:
I like Heidi. She seems like someone familiar, the kind of woman you'd refer to as one of the gals and hang out with and have a drink together. that said, i have yet to really like any of her workouts.

