Kickbutt Crunch Time

Tamela Hastie
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

This 45 minute workout is a mish-mash of short sequences of exercises with no flow. It's a mish-mash because it goes from some quasi-pilates on the floor to some standing moves using the tall step, to some jumprope moves and moves that are supposed to be kickboxing but aren't really, to some quasi-yoga at the end. Most of the exercise sequences are fairly short. There are several exercises that seem plain strange, like the one where you're supposed to be imitating a bird and balancing on one leg while bending your arms down toward the step and then coming up with your arms outstretched and your one leg in arabesque. There are movements that use both legs and arms together, but most of the time, they feel awkward, like standing leg abduction while leaning over and doing a semi-upright row holding dumbbells.

The workout incorporates some good exercises like triceps overhead presses, inner thigh squats, lat rows, leg presses on the bench, and biceps curls, but I don't feel that the short single sets make for an effective workout overall. It seems like a lot of stuff thrown together haphazardly.

The background exercisers sometimes have much better form than Tamela. Tamela's cueing and instruction is lacking in this workout, too. She does not explain what some of the exercises are for or how to do them properly. At the end of the workout, Tamela does a standing sequence holding a stick, and says that it is a preparation for lotus position. She never explains lotus or how her series is a lotus preparation, and in my opinion, it does not do much of anything.

This workout is okay if you just feel like doing something that doesn't require a lot of energy. The music is good and the production quality is good. I give it a C.

Instructor Comments:
Tamela looks great, and has nice muscle tone. I liked her a lot in WHFN Floor Burn, but in this workout, she does a lot of mugging to the camera, with some unnatural facial expressions, like she's trying to be overly-earnest. Her form isn't always good in this workout.

