Fitprime Metaboost

Heidi Tanner
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Since Carol has already broken this workout down in detail, I'll just offer my impressions. I was excited to try this workout given that I really like the older FitPrimes (including one led by the instructor here, Heidi Tanner) as well as the one other WHFN workout that I tried. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed in this workout. On the one hand, it had many good points, but on the other, it seemed that each good point had an accompanying down side. Here are my thoughts:

*The warm-up was nice, although inexplicably labeled as "cardio" on the menu--it never really got to that level.
*The aerobic effect of this workout was quite minimal. The two 4-limb cardio segments (8 minutes total) were fun but not very intense; the second one in particular had some unique moves but was performed way too slowly for any aerobic benefit.
*After the warm-up, you immediately go to the floor for core work, and I wasn't crazy about that sequencing. I also wasn't quite sure if I was correctly incorporating the yoga block into the moves--Heidi does not spend much time discussing form--and I felt the work in different places than where Heidi said I should be feeling it.
*I was really confused about what weights to use throughout the workout. Heidi sometimes says "heavy" or "light," but she never tells you what she's using, which would have been helpful. There were times when I would have liked to go heavier with my weights, but the flow of the exercises made this difficult to do, and thus I often felt as if I wasn't working very hard.
*Although I love using the tall step and didn't mind adding the yoga block and the stick, overall, the use of equipment in this workout felt awkward to me.
*Finally, although I like Heidi, I really wish she had provided more details about form, especially for some of the more unique moves. For example, I liked the idea of doing a plie squat with one foot on the step, but I just couldn't find a position where it felt right, and Heidi didn't say anything that helped.

Overall, I didn't much enjoy this workout while doing it, and I didn't feel adequately worked out once it was over, which was especially disappointing given the length (49 minutes). Although there might be a "learning curve" to getting the hang of the exercises--and I could certainly envision how the moves might be effective--I just don't think I'll feel motivated to do this workout again.

Instructor Comments:
I like Heidi and enjoy one of her older FitPrime workouts, From the Ground Up. However, as mentioned above, I just wanted more guidance from her here, especially with respect to how heavy to go with the weights and more detailed form cues.

Beth C (aka toaster)
