Tae Bo Ultimate Butt

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 2003

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts , Lower Body Strength

This video promises the best taebo butt moves, and it does deliver. I have this video for a long time and rarly use it but I can't think of getting rid of it because I like the idea of so many variety for the butt.
The reasons I rarly use it :

1. Uneven reps. one time they just forgat to put the other side on editing and few other times he may work on both legs but not even reps.
This really sucks! is it that hard to do even reps? he is the only instructor that have this problem.

2. It's 50 minutes just for butt. no real cardio and no real leg work. although my butt is my "problem spot" I don't think it's smart to waste 50 minutes just for one area .

So why I do keep this?
I think mainly for the 15 minutes floor work at the end.it's can be nice to add on.

Instructor Comments:
He is great exept the uneven reps thing that get on my nerves.
I find someting about Billy and Shelly motivate me much more than other instructors. they make it fun.

