I Want Those Abs

Tamilee Webb
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Abs/Core

This video would have been great if it just had MORE. I kept finding myself saying, what? she's stopping already? i was just starting to burn!!!! I'm sure we've all experienced that. I like this video for several reasons. Firstly, the exercises were actually studied in a lab to see how effective they were so you know what you're doing is working exactly where it needs to work and you do feel it. Also, because the exercises themselves are GREAT, but there's just not enough. Tamilee is a great instructor. She's very smart and knows her stuff. She needs to put that knowledge into use with a kick butt style video - more like Cathe. Maybe a bootcamp. I have a lot of her stuff and it's just all too easy. Her videos are very calm and easy (with the exception of Advanced Buns of Steel). I give this video a B.

Instructor Comments:
Tamilee is her usual self. Knowledgable, bubbly, encouraging and friendly.

Denise Berger
