Awesome Abs on the Ball

Melissa Walker
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Abs/Core , Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball

Awesome Abs on the Ball is definitely awesome. It contains a wide variety of exercises using the stability ball a/k/a fitball. It is about 25 minutes long. The workout consists of various sit-up variations holding the ball with hands, knees and feet, sitting up to a V-sit, passing the ball from hands to feet for one extremely difficult exercise, exercises with the feet up on the ball (working the glutes as well as core), reverse curls, oblique crunches, planks, roll-ins and inverted pikes. Cathe uses all of the exercises from this tape, in several of her recent workouts (the Intensity and Blast series), so I had seen most of the exercises before.

The set is plain, there are no participants, and no music. I like challenging and long abdominal workouts and I like using the ball, and this tape fits the bill. This workout is geared more for the intermediate and advanced exerciser, although beginners could do some of it and would be able to work up to the more difficult exercises. I give it an A for content, and a B for production quality.

Instructor Comments:
This is the first time I have seen Melissa Walker. I thought she was lacking in camera presence and warmth. She wore a top that was so low cut that it was distracting, especially since she was nearly falling out of it. Her speaking voice is not great. She is, however, very fit and strong, and demonstrates the exercises well.

