
Kari Anderson
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Abs/Core

Abs workouts are my least favorite type of strength work. I just don’t enjoy it. I do like Pilates and have strengthened my core mainly through those workouts. Traditional abs work is one of those things I feel like I SHOULD do, but don’t really feel like much of the time. For me, it’s sort of like eating green vegetables…

I have wanted to try this workout for awhile now. I couldn’t trade for it, so I ended up buying it. I like it – as much as I can like a non-Pilates ab workout. She does mainly crunch variations with a large group of exercisers. She does much of the workout, but also gets up to point out good form with various exercisers. Even when she is doing the moves herself, she is constantly stressing form. The music is good and instrumental and she uses the beat of the music to keep you on track with the exercises. As with other workouts, she is encouraging and motivating. (She must be to keep me involved in the workout!)

For those that love their killer abs workouts, this probably isn’t the workout for you. But, for those that want a challenging workout that isn’t a killer, it’s a good one to try.

Instructor Comments:
Kari is one of my most favorite instructors. In this workout, she is encouraging and very specific in her instruction.

Laura S.
