Your Personal Best

Karen Voight
Year Released: 1994

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I bought this tape on the strength of Karen Voight as the Instructor. I was very disappointed. For one thing, the aerobics are broken up by toning sections (I think this is called circuit training.) I never felt like I really got going in my workout. Just as I would start to work up a sweat, we would stop and do some toning. I guess cicuit training just isn't for me. That's good for me to know. Each time they switched sections,though, they also changed locations and outfits. Now this is just my personal pet peeve, but I think those leading the workout ought to at least be experiencing it as we video exercisers are. I can't feel too motivated by somebody's, "Gosh! That was tough!" when I know they only exercised for 8 minutes, and are off to be pampered and change into another fetching and sporty getup. Obviously I don't recommend this video for people with the same bent as I on the subjects I addressed.

On the positive side, Karen's instruction and form are, as always, wonderful. The routines are athletic rather than dancey, for the most part. The final section of aerobics has moves based on different sports ( swimming, basketball, skating, etc.) which made it rather interesting.

