Your Personal Best

Karen Voight
Year Released: 1994

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I know this has already been reviewed at this site, but I really enjoyed it and wanted to put my two cents in.

The 50-some minute workout is in cicuit training style, alternating periods of aerobics with strength training. Voight's cueing is right on target; she makes it feel easy, although I KNOW this is a good workout. I especially like Voight's use of movement borrowed from other sports. I used to take martial arts training, so I know those kicks and punches she borrows do indeed shape you up quickly.

Elle MacPherson is a pleasant presence. She gives nice words of inspiration without sounding like Voight's cheerleader. She also stresses that each body type differs and that we can all be fit in our own way.

