Streamline Fitness

Karen Voight
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I was very anxious to get this video and I was dissapointed in some of it and very thrilled with the rest of it. The first 25 mintues includes a 10 minute warm up and stretch and then you start doing your basic upperbody movements, she uses 3 lb weighted balls but I thought since I'm used to doing heavier weights I'd use 8 lbs. The moves are so fast that you can't use heavy weights and still have good form. I felt like my arms were going in all different directions. The moves aren't as fast as GWW but almost. I didn't like the first section because there just isn't enough there to even get any type of benefit from it. The leg workout isn't even worth doing. You do a few squats, lunges and some standing moves holding on to a chair or dowel and you put the weight behind your knee and press your leg back and out to the side and I didn't feel a thing with this and the weight kept wanting to slide out.

The second part is a different story all together. This is one of the best ab tapes I have. She starts out with some very intense ab work, one uses the weight or weighted ball between your knees and your knees raised up doing lowerbody crunches then you put the other weight behind your head for a full body crunch. One very tough one is where you do a crunch and stop, then you let go and put your hands behind your thighs and raise up even more and then you let go and pulse for 6 times and then lower down, she does this so many times my stomach is super sore afterwards. After the intense ab section is the back and push ups section. You alternate back strenghtening with push ups and you do this for 3 sets. After that is a very good yoga cooldown that I think is very thorough and relaxing. I've only done the first section once and have no desire to do it again but I have done the second section 4 times and plan on doing it 3 times a week.

Instructor Comments:
I have always liked Karen's personality and style, she's not as outgoing as alot of other instructors but most of her workouts are very solid.

Dawn Henson
