Pure and Simple Stretch

Karen Voight
Year Released: 1991

Categories: Athletic Stretch

As an experienced fitness instructor, I have high expectations of fitness videos when it comes to safety, effectiveness and a well-organized program that can be done over and over without boring me to death. Pure & Simple Stretch was exactly the tape I was looking for when I decided I wanted an organized stretching program to follow up an intense cardio workout. I love the way Karen's stretch segues from one area of the body to the next in a seamless flow. I love following Kari Anderson's workout in Idea's Excellence in Instruction with Karen's Pure & Simple Stretch.

Instructor Comments:
Sheesh Karen, did someone just shoot your dog before you filmed this video? Karen's professional demeanor and matter-of-fact delivery are always my favorite things about her style, but in Pure & Simple Stretch, Karen *never* even cracks a smile - indeed, she manages to look quite dour whenever we see her face. Nonetheless, this tape remains in my top three - after all, it's not face we're looking for here but safe, effective stretching, and Karen, as usual, does not disappoint.

