Half and Half

Karen Voight
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Total Body Workouts

I bought this video off the Ya-Ya exchange. I love all Karen\'s new stuff. Usually, I wait for them to hit the retail outfits like Target but I didn\'t feel like waitng.
This is a great DVD. The menu options are Half Cardio, Half Weights and Mix and Match. In mix and match you can choose Warm-up(4 1/2 min), Cardio(23 min), Weights(12 min lower, 10 min upper), and Floorwork(back 5 min, abs 6 min and stretch 6 min).
The cardio is fairly uncomplicated and does not take up a lot of space. There is some jumping but it easily modified and there isn\'t really that much. I modify because I don\'t like to jump. I liked the music, there is vocals and it sounds kind of clubby, like you hear on a dance station. You never really stay on one combo for too long, there is very little tiftt, and it moves right along. I have only done that section once.
Weights is next. The same type club music is in this section also. I have done this section many times. There is no warm-up so I do that first. Lower body is first, you start off with plies. Then you work one leg at a time. There is inner and outer thigh work, lunges done at differnt tempos and one-legged deadlifts. Then you do squats and move onto the other leg. She uses 8 or 10lb weights and one exerciser uses 5lbs and they all use a chair.
Upper body is next. She has you work your back, chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps with one exercise after the other. There is no resting. Most of the exercises are done sitting in the chair. The chest work is very skimpy though, I usually do a couple sets of push-ups before moving to the floorwork.
Back and Abs are next. Back is done first and then abs using traditional and pilates exercises. I love her ab and backwork and was not disappointed in this section. It doesn\'t last long but it\'s effective and efficient in Karen\'s usual manner. A relaxing stretch follows, it is mostly lower body focused.
I\'m glad I did not wait to get this. I think it\'s a must for Karen fans. A solid intermediate video, I did work up a sweat on both sections and my lower body was slightly sore in a good way the next day. A keeper!

Instructor Comments:
Karen is her usual excellent self in the video. She gives clear and concise instuction in her no-nonsense way. She\'s also in great shape and looks like she really enjoys herself. There are 2 background exercisers with her. There is nice bright set with exercise equipment in the background and pictures of her video cover on the walls.

