Body Reform: Abs and Back

Karen Voight
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Abs/Core , Pilates/Core Strength , Upper Body Strength

I believe this was also called Pilates Abs and Back

Type: Core strength
Format: entirely on the mat
Background exercisers: one female
Music: soothing instrumental
Set: bland and not distracting

This has been reviewed before under the title Pilates Abs and Back, so I will just add my two cents that this is a wonderful workout. The pace is slower, there is stretching in between most moves, so you can get a whole lot more done than if you had less rest. The beginning ab segment is mostly Pilates moves, some with new twists. Back work follows, then another ab segment that is more traditional crunches and oblique work, with and without legs raised. Then she does a Teaser and while holding it, you slowly decline your upper body to the mat. YOUCH! More back work and then a nice stretch. This is a keeper! Grade A.

Instructor Comments:
Karen is chattier in this workout than in most - offering clear instruction and form pointers. SHe is friendly and encouraging.

Peggy T
