Burn & Firm

Karen Voight
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

Type: Circuit
Intensity: Low Intermediate
Length: 48 minutes
Music: Instrumental Dynamix
Set: Brightly lit yellow room with modern art placed about. Annoying art that looks like a chili pepper hangs from the ceiling. (What’s up with THAT???)

Workout: This is a circuit style workout done in 5 minute circuits.

The first cardio circuit is side to sides, grapevines, etc. and is all low impact.
The first weight circuit is upper body weight work done on the floor. This includes pushups, flyes, tricep presses ad the like.

The second cardio circuit is jumprope and a lot of knee-ups The jumprope is minimal impact, and the sole background exerciser shows the no impact modification
The second weight circuit is standing upper body focusing primarily on shoulders, biceps and back. As in the first weight circuit, she does supersets with 5 pound weights.

The third cardio segment was so similar to the first two I can't even remember what it was!!
The third weight segment is standing unweighted leg work. There are no lunges. She does squats, mambos (I think I would substitute something else for those) and leg raises. The leg work was pretty weak, in my opinion. Since she does move her arms around a lot I would add light weights to further work the arms, or I’d add a bodybar to challenge the legs a little more.

The last section is abs, which is pretty traditional ab work, she challenges the obliques well by doing lying side crunches raising both legs.

The final section is called the cooldown but it is actually a very good stretch.

Overall impressions: I have only previewed this DVD, but it seems too be very light on the leg work and the cardio. This could be good for a day you want a lighter workout. The music was ok, not great. The DVD includes several premixes – upper body, abs, circuit twice, etc. Because abs and upper body seem to be the best part of this tape, I’d be inclined to do those premixes and tack on some more serious cardio. Overall, B+

Instructor Comments:
Karen is a little less wooden in this video, particularly in the introduction. Her form, as always, is perfect. She is in amazing shape. The consummate instructor.

Peggy Elliott
