Tennis Aerobics

Grace Valentine
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Sports Specific Training

Something I wanted to add to the previous review of this video: it takes a LOT of space. My husband likes to play tennis and I'm a pretty poor player, so I got this video hoping to be able to improve my game. The instructor and her assistants use a full half court to demonstrate the movements. If I did the moves with a full stride, I was out of my workout area, and running into objects right and left. I tried moving furniture around to make room, but my workout area (and the room it's connected to) were too small. Now my workout area has a step up to the next room, so I won't be utilizing this tape much (kind of a shame with it being $25 plus shipping). Incidentally, you also end up swinging your racket over your head, so make sure your ceilings are high enough for this kind of activity (I tried to make sure, but apparently, I reach a little further in an actual swing, and hit the ceiling a few times). I know there are people out there with limited space, so I thought this should be mentioned.

Suzette Petty
