Total Yoga The Flow Series: Earth

Ganga White, Tracey Rich
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Yoga

Earth is the most gentle of the Total Yoga Programs out there. Here is a breakdown of the entire routine:

Total Yoga: Earth Ganga White and Tracey Rich (White Lotus)

1. Ujayi Breathing 2. Three-Part Breath

Earth Series:

07:43 Tadasana

8:30 “A” Series Salutation with Modifications (4 x’s) :

Sweep arms outward and overhead / Uttanasana / Standing Arch / (step back to) Down Dog / (step forward to) Standing Arch / Standing Fold / Arms Overhead / Tadasana

14:20 “C” Series Salutation (12 Position Sun Salutation) (4 x’s)

Hands in Namaste / Arms Overhead ( palms facing) w/ slight arch / Uttanasana / Lunge w/ Right Leg back-knee to ground / Plank / (lower to) Ashtanga Pranam (knees-chest-chin) Sweep into Cobra / Down Dog / Right foot forward to Lunge with left knee to ground / (step to) Uttanasana / Arms overhead w/ slight arch / Close pose to tadasana

20:50 Triangle pose (right foot forward first, then switch)

22:30 Warrior 2 (Hero) pose (right foot forward first then switch)

23:50 Standing straddle fold twist (first extend legs and bend forward with both hands to the ground, then place the left hand with the fingers pointing to the right and extend the Right Arm overhead, as you twist and turn your head to look up at the right hand), then lower the right arm and Hang with Folded Arms, then place right hand on the ground with the fingers pointing to the left, and Extend the Left Arm overhead as you twist left and look up at the left hand), then lower to folded arms, roll slowly up. Then step forward to:

25:40 “A” Series Salutation (partial): Arms overhead / Uttanasana / Standing Arch / Down Dog

move thru table-top and lower to floor to:

26:18 Lying boat position (2 x’s) (alternate which side of your head rests on the floor between each repetition of the pose).

27:20 (move into) Embryo pose

27:35 Gentle neck release (rolling over the crown of the head, hands by shoulders-2’xs)

(Earth cont.)

28:05 Transition (come up to sit on your knees, swing your legs around then lower slowly backwards to the ground).

28:18 Bridge Position w/ three variations

1. Tuck Tailbone 2. Lift Hips (hands face down, roll shoulders under) 3. Full bridge (with hands clasped-arms straight)

30:20 Knees to chest, rotate knees counter clock wise then clock wise (three times in each direction) then roll forward to :

31:12 Janu Sirsasana (extend Right Leg First, flex the foot. Bend the left leg to the inside of the right thigh, then switch)

33:10 Paschimottanasana (Seated forward fold)

34: 50 Bent leg spinal twist (bring right leg in (knee facing up), left leg extended, inhale-bring left arm out to the side, exhale-bring it across the front of your body, clasp your forearm, inhale/exhale-extend your right arm back behind you, rotating from the center of the spine, shifting the shoulder slightly back, extending your chin to look over the shoulder, keep a strong line from the base of your spine through the crown of your head inhale-lengthen, exhale-twist) then repeat on the other side.

transition- lower slowly to ground

37:00 Lying spinal twist (extend your right leg, bring your left foot to the top of your right knee, inhale-extend your right hand to meet your left knee, on exhale rotate your head to the opposite side. Draw your knee down towards the floor, press with your left hand and drop your left shoulder back towards the floor, keep the elongation from your head through the straight leg, and the rotation moving off the center of your spine)

Then bring knees to chest

38:50: Legs up wall (inversions)

40:00 Straddle split position against wall

41:10 Cobbler against wall

Knees together, then sit up and breathe

Lower to :

42:45 Savasana

51: 50 Roll to side and come up to

52:10 Seated Meditation ……… Namaste.

Instructor Comments:
Tracey Rich gives clear instruction and both her and Ganga White demonstrate the poses beautifully!

Scott (Yogadad)
