Tae Bo (Original 4 workout set)

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

There are only about two or three of the people working with B.B. in the video, that are actually doing the moves correctly. I watch the thin girl in the blue outfit, and the young girl in the front with the bobbed hairstyle (she kicks very high).

My goal like I said, was to do each move as accurately as possible. I went very slowly. I have been doing Tae Bo for about three months now, and I have still only done the first two tapes.

Yet.... I have had major results. My abdomen is a lot more toned, and I even see some chiseling. How?

I found his music boring. So I created my own 45 min routine using my CD-ROM changer. I do one move after another, dicated by the song. I only have brief 10 sec breaks during this time. I took the different moves from the two videos, and created sort of a dance routine- with multiple reps to the point where the involved muscles are aching. As he always advises, contract your abdomen with each move. One of the CDs from which I use at least three songs is C & C Music Factory. I prefer their music because it is very up-beat, motivating, and the individ. songs are very long. For example, 'Gonna make you sweat"

It's a great work-out program. I think that I have master the moves (in at least the first two videos), better than some of the people in his marketing show. And I definitely have results.

I'm not in a rush to go to the advanced video yet. At some point, I'll have to vary my routine, because my body will have adapted to my current workout. That's when I'll move on.

To those not seeing results, remember, proper eating is very important, and consider incorporating a couple of days of week of weight training. Muscle burns fat even when you're not working out. I do Tae Bo twice a week. Treadmill/Stat. Bike twice a week, and Weight training twice a week.

Instructor Comments:
Billy Blanks is a patient and well-paced instructor. When I reviewed the video tapes, I did what's usually not recommended. I sat and watched him and the better of the demonstrators in the background. I listened intently to every detail of instruction to make sure I wouldn't injure myself, and to make sure I would get the best results from each of the moves. He teaches well.

