Hi/Lo Heaven

Christi Taylor
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I'm a die-hard step lovin' woman, but all the positive buzz here about this video really intrigued me, so I ordered the video. I am so glad I did!

This is the first non step video I've ever loved. It's really easy to modify the video to low impact--though I'll admit, my enthusiasm often gets the best of me and I find myself jumping all over the place (I've struggled with plantar fasciitis and find low impact works best for me)! When I previewed part 2, I was worried I'd have trouble getting the steps, even though I don't usually have trouble with choreography. However, I found I had little trouble even my first time thru. I usually take out the turns because I find it hard to do at her speed on carpet.

The music is great and Christi's enthusiasm seems truly genuine. I find this workout to be total fun, and no work--in fact, I'm disappointed my current fitness level holds me back from doing the whole thing at high impact. I also love the male background exercisers, Harold in particular, who has so much fun adding little extras to the moves that I find myself watching *him* while merely listening to Christi's cues.

In short, this video rocks!

Instructor Comments:
This is my first Christi video, and I know it won't be my last. Her cuing is excellent; I like her "watch me" style. It's a real plus to me that as I learn the video I don't have to sleep thru laborious breakdowns later on--I can just put the video in and go. Christi is very "natural"--no fakey, sugary niceness, no whooping background exercisers, no funky camera tricks where I can't see what her feet are doing.

Lisa Greenwood
