Tae Bo (Original 4 workout set)

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

Overall, the workout is a good one. I find the production quality to be on the low side however. There are many mistakes in counting, some of the participants make obvious mistakes in the routine and the sound quality isn't great.

While I enjoy the overall experience, I am glad that I didn't spend $60 on this set. Go for the cheaper versions available.

Instructor Comments:
Billy's instructions are generally very good. I find a MAJOR problem to be that he has broken the cardinal rule of exercise videos--mirroring. If you choose to follow what he says (i.e. moving right) then you are going the opposite direction that he his going on-screen. This can be very confusing when first learning and since no other video I have ever done has this flaw, I find it very bothersome.

Billy also has a tendency to start a new move while you are still counting the previous move. On more than one occasion, I reached 7 of 8 and he was starting the next move.

Lisa Belsha
