Spinervals Fitness 2.0 - Sweating Buckets

Troy Jacobson
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Indoor Cycling

Fitness Spinervals 2.0 Sweating Buckets
45-minute workout

Although the pre-view screen said it was a 10 min warm-up it is really only about 2-3 mins followed by the traditional 3 x 30 sec hard/easy. As Cleda mentioned in her wonderful review the rest of the workout is as follows after the warm up:
2 minutes rest
6 x 20 seconds of superspin (high cadence) 40 second off
2 minutes easy or rest
Pyramid Set:
30 secs on, 30 off
60 secs on, 30 off
90 sec on, 30 off
120 sec on, 30 off
90 sec on, 30 off
60 sec on, 30 off
30 sec on, 30 off
2 minutes rest
5 x 20 secs. of superspin (cadence at least 120 or higher) 40 seconds off
2 Minutes rest
3 x 30 secs. of superspins (increasing speed or intensity every 10 seconds), 30 seconds rest
Cool down

I don't have a lot to add except that since we had 2 mins off I was really able to push all the sets to my maximum effort. Overall there really is not that much difference between this workout and other Spinervals other than the generous 2 min rest periods. As with any spin workout the intensity depends on how hard you make it. I personally use this Spinerval for practicing my cadence, as a pre-weight training workout or a reverse brick workout. Coach Troy is highly motivating/encouraging and the set is refreshing and bright. He is my favorite instructor and even though I'm a runner and only use 2 Spinervals a week, my endurance, speed and mental toughness has improved greatly.

