Tae Bo (Original 4 workout set)

Billy Blanks
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

The video starts with head and shoulder rolls, side reaches and overhead then he punches right in. He starts with side punches

then on to upper cuts. He reminds you through the workout to keep your abs tight and turning your hips into the punch. There's no choreography, just sets of punches and jabs. About the only moving side to side is when we do knee lifts right and left 3 counts with a punch on the end. Also, a grapevine with punches. So this video doesn't require a lot of room. One series he goes through is like a jumprope move. You shuffle heel toe while alternating lifting your arms overhead. Also V step while punching and 3 claps. We jog in place a couple sets then lift your knees while jogging. This really gets the HR up. A couple of my favorite moves, deep squats with a front kick and step side, kick, step back and squat. There are lots of kicks like side kicks, front kicks and to the rear, then a combination of front and rear kicks. Then that machine gun kick. Love that. This move calls for stability and balance, while keeping your leg up to the side, kick it out. Then onto the floor for some killer legwork. He gives great form pointers all along the way to keep your abs tight. He starts out with leg raises to the rear, then firehydrant lifts, knee into the shoulder, then a combo of all, circling the leg, slow at first, then double time.

My favorite ab move, lay on the floor with knees bent and over to one side. Lift up shoulders and knees to contract the obliques.

This whole tape gives your abs a workout. I think that was the most sore part of my body when I did this tape.

The music reminds me of rock style jazz.

This is one tough workout that lasts about an hour. I was drenched unlike any tape I've done. I would give this one 5 *****.

Instructor Comments:
Billy is very motivating and pushes you to challenge yourself through the whole workout.>He does remind you to slow down if you need to but he keeps you so pumped, you don't want to stop. He may talk too much throughout for some, but for me, that's part of the motivation.

Sharon M.
